Relationships, especially personal ones thrive only when we appreciate the beauty of your partners imperfections. These come in different sizes and shapes – from physical appearance to the foibles. In most cases, when partners are in relationship, the physical flaws get evened out fast. You will overlook a slightly deformed nose or a scar on the forehead. However, it is the incompleteness in the character that stands the test of time. Look within you before looking outside – you would have encountered some imperfections in your partner which you are still trying to correct. And perfect is how you define it. When you first encounter this slight blemish in your partner, you tell yourself, that’s fine I will try to change that. However things mostly do not happen to your liking. The imperfection stays on. The relationships flourish and last longer when one learns to see the beautiful side of these shortcomings. You will appreciate that crooked nose, the clumsy way in which your partner crosses the legs, sneezes…when you realize that your companion ceases to be him or herself without these shortcomings.